Ideas for the Macroscopic Stage [Put your ideas in this thread]

Not sure if this is more aware or multicellular but whatever so uh i have quite a bit of questions/ideas.

How will players be born/reproduce?
Will they hatch on a premade egg that is the same on all species similar to spore, or
will the player be able to edit if a species lays eggs, gives live birth, or is born through parasitic larvae.

Now if you chose to lay eggs, would there be some sort of egg editor? or just some sliders dictating temperature
resistance etc.

And if you choose for like live birth, will the player just magically appear next to it’s parent, without a need for an organ, or will the player have to design an organ where the baby would grow in.

Now if the player where to choose parasitic larvae (technically it’s just laying eggs in a poor alien but whatever) will the player just appear next to a dead alien or will they physically eat the alien while their a larvae. (realistically it’s probably just appearing next to the dead alien but whatever)

This brings me to my next question, will there be growth or something like that?
I think i saw some other person discussing this but whatever.

So will the player hatch and just magically grow into an adult like in spore, or will there be some sort of growth system?

Where as i think one person said, you design each growth stage and you gradually transition between the stages, and if there will be a growth stage, how long will it take too grow?

I assume it’d be like a couple of minutes or less so it’s fun and entertaining, but on some harder difficulties or on custom settings it could be higher, or maybe it could depend on the size of your creature, but i assume it’d be like a couple of minutes or less cuz nobody is gonna wanna have to wait an hour to grow to an adult.

Now i also do wonder if like the player would just walk up to their mate to evolve, or would have to fight for their mate, but i guess you just walk up to them, or reproduce on your own depending on your species.

And another question is, how will behaviours work in like macroscopic or aware once your creature becomes more sofisticated, will it be like in the microbe stage where you just move some sliders around, or will it be a bit more like in The Sapling, where you add behaviours like ‘‘if you see color green, go towards it’’ or will it be more complex with some simple visual coding like in Scratch, or will you be able to switch between these behaviour editors if you want too. Although realistically i think it’d be sliders or just something akin to the sapling.

And one final question, i wonder if it’ll be possible to make an animal that feeds on just iron chunks, or just absorbs the temperature in the volcanic vents or is a radiotroph (yk since they’re adding radiotrophs in 0.8.1)


I believe it is the devs intent to have multiple forms of both asexual and sexual reproduction, but, for efficiency reasons, I’m guessing most creatures will likely end up evolving to either lay/implant eggs or have live births.

I certainly hope so, I guess we will see.

There will likely be stages of growth, as part of the Caste System, though the specific are still very much up for debate/design.

There are multiple discussions about the possibility of including competing for a mate and/or mating rituals.

The main problem with this, Iron eating becomes less efficient when oxygen is present. In an anoxygenic environment, iron eating would likely be the most efficient way to survive. In a world filled with oxygen, not sure how well it can sustain you. Though you can bet I will try to make one work anyway.

I think the plan regarding this is that in the upcoming stages, it’ll take a bit longer to complete a gameplay session than on average in the microbe stage.

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Alr well thx for the answers, anyways i got some more questions not sure if they’d go in aware or macroscopic but since macroscopic seems more active i’ll put it here.

How will flight work in this game?
I assume there will be some sort of flight system so how would it work? Would it be simple where you just strap some wings onto your creature and it can fly (regardless of weight or proportion of the wings).
Or will you have to design the wings realistically, making sure they’re big enough for the weight of your creature or that they can flap fast enough whilst also making sure flapping dosen’t break your creature’s muscles.

I also wonder how flight would work in gas giants, i guess you could float by making air sacs in your creatue that fill with air to float in the gas giant’s clouds.


Definitely the latter option. Afterall, Thrive adheres to the scientific theory.

To my knowledge gas giants aren’t planned to be a location where life can develop ingame.


Oh, i swear i’ve seen people discuss it before somewhere

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Not the devs most likely through.

Are you talking about the forum game Survival in Jupiter’s Atmoshpere?

FG advertisements are back, even if just for one post…

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no, not really i was mostly refering to how i could’ve sworn somewhere, gameplay in gas giants was discussed, but it’s probably just a mandela effect

No matter what was said back then, gas giant life isn’t planned anytime soon, even if some developer was discussing it.

Perhaps you are thinking of talk about living on the moon of a gas giant?

I’d rather think of gameplay on the gas giant itself, as their moons would have gameplay rather similar to regular Earthlike planets. The gas giant atmospheres are the point of interest, and they have seen some speculation as to what could be lurking withing them for quite some time…

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no, i was thinking on living on the gas giant, not on it’s moon.

Unless the moon of a Gas Giant is a mini-Neptune Gas Planet…

And then that mini-Neptune has a gas-dwarf as a moonlet!

Unfortunately, gas dwarfs planet would not be possible, as once you get over 1-2 Earth Masses, there is a possibility of it being a Mini-Neptune due to the excessive amount of gas enveloping the surface compared to the rock.

yeah like this cute little gas giant

Is that a SpaceEngine Planet-Moon system?

Yeah it’s from SpaceEngine, found a Warm minineptune that orbits Warm superjupiter.